Similar words: human, trace, embrace, face to face, thumb, humor, trauma, presumably. Meaning: n. all of the living human inhabitants of the earth.
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31. Not drawn from a public relations kit, his picture of the future tapped into the oldest dreams of the human race.
32. I have no doubt that it is part of the destiny of the human race in its gradual improvement to leave off eating animals. Henry David Thoreau
33. Nature is joining the human race and going on the dole.
34. The entire human race could be wiped out by nuclear war.
35. The power of speech makes the human race unique among animals.
35. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
36. Unlike most of his contemporaries, Darwin realized that the human race was not the predictable end-product of a universal progressive trend.
37. Learning how to handle it, the human race grows in stature towards you.
38. This model promoted the assumption that evolution is based on a progressive trend with the human race as its goal.
39. Her hair was taken back just on one side, and she smiled in the general direction of the entire human race.
40. These final words make clear that Zampano has jettisoned his one remaining tie to the human race: his sense of need.
41. It's one of the most rewarding attributes they possess - discovering and articulating the weird mutation in the human race.
42. Community shame is a great motivator, has been for thousands of years in the history of the human race.
43. He was so different from John in every way that it was amazing to think the human race could contain them both.
44. I'll give you my opinion of the human race in a nutshell... their heart's in the right place,[] but their head is a thoroughly inefficient organ. W. Somerset Maugham
45. There have been three significant changes in the way the human race has worked.
46. Is not the past of the human race gloomy enough for you, without supping upon the imaginary horrors of its future?
47. But governments must ensure that the former belongs to the human race.
48. Twenty-five percent of the entire human race wiped out at one go.
49. Everyone who wants to do good to the human race always ends in universal bullying. Aldous Huxley
50. It was this kind of personal therapy that fortified Ocker Tyron's private contempt for the human race.
51. Nick Ellis, London Does the human race have a future longer than its past?
52. With them, the human race lost its ability to send astronauts to the Moon and beyond.
53. The crudest joke against the human race lies in that sweaty farce by which we are first formed and given life.
54. It was dominated from the start by Marxism, proclaiming the industrial proletariat as saviours of the human race.
55. You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race. George Bernard Shaw
56. For you and forme and the entire human race.
57. Once I nourished the entire human race.
58. Savagery was the formative period of the human race.
59. But Adam was different, for he was the fountainhead of the whole human race.
60. The human race only a minuscule portion of the earth's history.